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PitchForce - March 2016

The March PichForce event presented eight startups that pitched to a panel of angel investors and VCs: Sophia Collier, Principal of Point Reyes Management and Super Angel, Neil Strickberger, Angel Investor, Karim Nurani, Angel Investor and Managing Director of Bay Angels, and Eric Ferraro with Fathom Law, business and technology law firm.

Congratulations to the top three companies based on the panel vote: PushUp, Shelfie, and Team Runner.

PushUp’s embeddable social hub humanizes brands and improves their web site conversation.

Shelfie is a free app where you take a picture of your bookshelf – that’s a “shelfie” and the app uses patented computer vision to identify all the books on your shelf.

TeamRunner is the leading cloud-based marketplace that connects sports organizations, tournaments and group events with travelling teams, fans and groups with hotels, restaurants, service providers…

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